Monday, February 24, 2014

I ordered a new table saw!

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Great news! I have ordered a new table saw and it should be arriving some time tomorrow, I cant wait, its like Christmas.....

I ordered a professional grade cabinet saw, the Grizzly 1023SL. I have been wanting a new table saw for quite some time now but I have been putting it off due to a couple reasons (the leaking roof which isnt perfectly fixed but it is much better than it was, and lack of funds for a new toy), but I decided that it was time to jump.

Deciding what table saw to purchase was definitely a tough decision, but it was fun researching and learning so much about different table saw on the market. When I first looked at table saws I was looking at something in the $600-$900 range. I was liking the contractor saws that I was finding on the Rockler website, they were the only ones that fit in my budget and that was the only place I really knew to look for saws.

So I decided on a saw but then I couldnt decide which fence I wanted with it since there were three different options, the best which was about $300 dollars more than the basic fence. I decided to join a woodworking forum and ask people who actually knew what they were talking about. So that is when I found, and I am glad I did as the community was most helpful.

I asked my question and people started chiming in with suggestions. A few people said that I should skip the contractor saw and just go with a professional grade cabinet saw for $200 more than $900 contractors saw that I was eyeing. The saw that was suggested was the Grizzly 1023SL. After reading countless reviews and asking more and more questions on the forum I realized that all of the experienced folks at Lumberjocks knew what they were talking about so I decided to fork out a bit more money and get the full blown cabinet saw.

I think I will glad that I choose the cabinet saw over the contractor saw because the price wasnt an extreme difference but the quality of the saw should be a big difference. Looks like we will see tomorrow!

TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

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